3.17 JH Population Count

Chapter 3
Section 3.17
Subject 3.17 JH Population Count
Effective Date 5/19/2023 12:00 AM

A regular systematic and accurate accounting of all detained youth shall be conducted at scheduled intervals in the San Luis Obispo County Juvenile Hall.

  1.  Population Count Process
    1. The shift leader will announce “pop count” in five (5) minutes prior to the formal count.  Visits shall not be scheduled from 1430 until 1445 to ensure that the 1430 count is not interrupted, unless authorized by the Chief Deputy or their designee.  During a count, all youth will be directed to their room.  If a new booking entered the facility prior to the count, they will be secured in the intake or visiting room.  
    2. Unless directed otherwise, all Officers will remain on their assigned unit until the count is complete 
    3. During this time, there will be NO unnecessary activity within the facility.  The Control JSO and shift leader will ensure that no interior or exterior doors are opened either manually or electronically.  Any approved personnel in the facility will remain until the count is clear.
    4. Radio traffic regarding the actual physical count numbers is not permitted.  All communication regarding the count will be conducted by phone.
    5. When youth have entered their assigned rooms and all doors are secured, Officers will commence a formal count.
    6. Officers will refer to the Facility Roster in the Monitor system.  Officers will verify each youth’s presence by going from room to room in an orderly and progressive manner.  Each youth will be positively identified visually or by inspecting their wristband.
    7. Officers will report their count by phone to the shift leader.
    8. Upon completion of the count, the Shift Leader will contact the Control JSO by phone.  The Control JSO in consultation with the shift leader will compare the reported population with the Facility Roster including youth(s) on furlough. 
    9.  If the unit counts match the Facility Roster, the Control JSO will make an electronic log book entry noting the date/time, shift leaders name, count of each unit, total population and whether or not a youth(s) are on furlough.
    10. The Shift Leader will announce via radio the “count is clear.” 
    11.  If the population count does not match the Facility Roster, the Shift Leader will conduct a secondary count and repeat steps 5-8.  In addition, the shift leader will physically respond to each unit and conduct their own count independently. 
    12.  Count Times:
      • 0630
      • 1430
      • 2130