3.7 Fire Safety Plan Pursuant to Section 1325

Chapter 3
Section 3.7
Subject 3.7 Fire Safety Plan Pursuant to Section 1325
Effective Date 5/9/2023 12:00 AM
  1. The Chief Deputy of the Custody Division shall consult with the local fire department having jurisdiction over the facility, or with the State Fire Marshall, in developing a plan for fire safety, which shall include, but not be limited to:
    1. A fire prevention plan to be included as part of the manual of policy and procedures;
    2. Monthly fire and life safety inspections by facility staff with two year retention of the inspection records;
    3. Annual fire prevention inspections as required by Health and Safety Code Section 13146.1(a) and (b) which requires annual inspections;
    4. Documented fire drills no less than quarterly;
    5. An evacuation plan;
    6. A written plan for the emergency housing of youth in the case of fire, and;
    7. Development of a fire-suppression pre-plan in cooperation with the local fire department.
  2. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers–Assist in the implementation on the emergency action plan and to act in the absence of the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division.
  3. All Staff – To be familiar with and understand the emergency action plan and to take all reasonable actions necessary to protect life and property in an emergency.  All staff shall receive a refresher on the proper use of a fire extinguisher.
  4. The San Luis County Juvenile Hall contracts with a third party, Deep Blue Integration, Inc., who monitors the smoke and fire alarm system remotely 24 hours a day.
  5. Monthly Fire and Life Safety Inspection
    1. Juvenile Hall staff shall complete monthly fire inspections of the facility to insure the following are well-maintained and functioning properly by the 15th of each month:
      1. Electrical cords, motors, wires and appliances are in good condition, not frayed or of excessive length and properly grounded;
      2. Doors at each floor level are free of obstruction, properly lighted and functional;
      3. Exit lights are in working order including proper size and wattage; 
      4. Exit ways are free of obstacles and properly lighted;
      5. Fire doors function properly and are unobstructed;
      6. Extinguishers are accessible, visible and in the correct location, have been serviced within the last 12 months and properly decal for type of fire.
      7. Fire alarms properly identified, boxes unobstructed, have been tested within the last thirty (30) days and auxiliary boxes have sign indicating the system is connected to the fire department;
      8. Sprinkler system heads and controls are unobstructed;
      9. Flues and vents in good condition;
      10. Housekeeping-no combustible items stored under stairways, janitorial and cleaning equipment stored in proper area, oily rags and paint rags stored in covered metal cans and no excessive accumulation of combustible litter;
      11. Flammable liquids stored outside the facility, containers in good condition and no smoking signs observable;
      12. Auxiliary emergency generator working properly; and
      13. Fire alarm system components in working order.
      14. All emergency equipment 
  6. Fire Drills
    1. As part of the Fire and Safety Plan all Juvenile Hall, Staff will be required to participate in monthly fire drill training which will test their knowledge of, but not limited to, the following areas:
  7. Fire Alarm
    1. In the event that a fire alarm is sounded, the on-duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will have the location investigated to attempt to determine the cause of the alarm. 
    2. All personnel in the area in which the problem is suspected will evacuate youth in that area (code yellow evacuation) except for one staff that will remain to conduct the investigation.  
    3. Staff conducting the investigation will start looking for smoke or visible fire.  The on-duty Control JSO will be notified to call for a “code red evacuation” if a visible fire is discovered.
    4. The following will be called, giving all known information:
      1. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers
      2.  Chief Deputy of the Custody Division;
      3. Asst. Chief Probation Officer; and
      4. Chief Probation Officer
    5. If no visible fire is found, smoke detectors will be checked.  A ceiling smoke detector, which triggered the alarm, will have a constant red light on.  
    6. A door closer smoke alarm will have a red light on if it triggered the alarm.  In normal operation, a ceiling smoke detector will have a flashing red light and a door closer smoke detector will have a green light.
    7. If there are no further problems, the on-duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will contact CAL FIRE to report that no smoke or fire was observed.
  8. Sprinkler System
    1. In the event that the sprinkler system is activated, the fire alarm will sound and indicate that the sprinkler system triggered the alarm.  
    2. The following procedure will apply:
      1. The on-duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will call a “code red evacuation” and silence the alarm after people have left the building.  
      2. The following will be called, giving all known information:
        • On-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer;
        • Chief Deputy of the Custody Division;
        • Chief Probation Officer; and
        • General Services/Maintenance.
      3. If available, staff will investigate and determine the area(s) in which the sprinkler system is operating.
      4. If smoke is present, stay on the floor and crawl.  
      5. If no fire is detected in the area where the sprinklers are operating, the fire department will be responsible for shutting down the sprinkler system. 
  9. Smoke / Fire – Observed
    1. In the event that a fire is observed in the facility, the first priority is the safety of the residents.  
    2. The following procedure is to be followed:
      1. Staff will move youth to designated area outside of the building (code red evacuation).  
      2. Staff will account for all youth. 
      3. The on-duty Control JSO will call for assistance as follows:
        • On-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer;
        • Chief Deputy of the Custody Division;
        • Asst. Chief Probation Officer; 
        • Chief Probation Officer; and
        • General Services/Maintenance.
    3. If safe to do so, staff will attempt to control or extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers, aiming at the base of the fire rather than directly at the flames.
    4. The Sheriff’s Department shall be notified to request assistance with the evacuation in the case of a “code blue.”
    5. In the worst possible case, usually at the direction of fire personnel, a “code blue evacuation” may be necessary.
  10. Fire Response
    1. The Fire Department will arrive at the secure sally port.  The on-duty Control JSO will admit the fire personnel and the Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader shall brief them on the situation.  
    2. Cal Fire on Highway One is the primary station to respond.
    3. In case mutual aid is used, the following will respond in order:
      1. CMC – Staffed by inmate crews and only available when civilian supervisor is on duty.
      2. San Luis City Fire Station 3 – 10 minute response
      3. Morro Bay Fire Department – Over 15 minutes response time.
  11. Fire Suppression
    1.   The On-Duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will advise staff to evacuate the building pursuant to Chapter 4 Section 4-1 subsection H 4 of this policy manual, until an assessment can be made of the living units and areas involved and a determination of the safety of the facility.
    2. The On-Duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will notify the Chief Probation Officer and Chief Deputy Probation Officer of the Custody Division.
    3.   The On-Duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will meet with the Fire Department personnel as they enter the facility and provide any information, which will enable them to effectively suppress the fire.
      1. Code Yellow – This is used to move people out of a specific area of the building into other areas without going outside.  Staff on duty will direct such an evacuation.
      2. Code Red – This is used to move people out of the building.  Residents will remain within the secure perimeter of the facility.    “Code Red evacuation is in effect.  Please move quietly and orderly to the outside.”    See evacuation plan for routes below.  Staff will be responsible to see that residents move in a proper and safe manner and that all residents are accounted for.
      3. Code Blue – This is used to disburse people away from the confines of the facility.  Opening the gates and the play fields and directing youth to move to the frontage road at the West end or the parking lot at the East end of the building will accomplish it.  In this mode, custody is of secondary importance to safety.
      4. Evacuation Plan – all Juvenile Hall staff and youth will be evacuated to an area within the secure perimeter of the facility, such as the CVA, Center and West yards.  Alternate sites would be the frontage road beyond the West Yard or the JSC parking lot.  Evacuation to the frontage road will be accomplished by opening the West Yard gate and then the exterior perimeter gate.  Evacuation to the JSC parking lot site will be accomplished by opening the gate at the CVA yard perimeter fence leading to the fire road on the back of the facility.  This will lead to the east end of the facility, where the emergency vehicle gate will be opened. In this instance, custody is of secondary importance to safety.  In the event the Juvenile Hall cannot be returned to at full status, due to damage, the youth will be transported to an alternate facility pursuant to agreements established with adjoining counties and/or the sheriff’s department.
      5. High risk protocol – all high risk youth as defined by the classification system, Chapter 3 Section 3-1 of this manual, will be supervised and escorted to the evacuation site by the On-Site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader.  Prior to evacuation of these youth, the On-Site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will obtain restraint gear and upon reaching the evacuation site, will apply the restraint gear on the high-risk youth