3.2 Staffing Pursuant to Section 1321 and 1323

Chapter 3
Section 3.2
Subject 3.2 Staffing Pursuant to Section 1321 and 1323
Effective Date 5/9/2023 12:00 AM

Juvenile Hall and Coastal Valley Academy Staffing

  1. Juvenile Hall and Coastal Valley Academy Staffing
    1. No required services shall be denied because of insufficient numbers of officers on duty absent exigent circumstances.
    2. The Juvenile Hall shall, at all times have an adequate number of personnel sufficient to carry out the overall facility operation and it’s programming, to provide for safety and security of youth and staff, and meet established standards and regulations. 
    3. The Juvenile Hall shall at all times have an officer who is present and identified and is responsible for the operations and activities of the Juvenile Hall. This officer shall have completed the Juvenile Correctional Officers Core Course, and PC 832 training.
    4. One officer shall be present on each unit whenever there are youth in the unit.  
    5. The minimum staffing pattern requires that officers have, as their primary duty, the supervision of youth in custody.  Administrative, clerical, volunteers and auxiliary staff does not satisfy the minimum-staffing pattern.  Exception: the graveyard shift can be staffed with five officers, provided that all five are Probation Officers, Juvenile Service Officers or management level personnel within the Deputy Probation Officer classification.
    6. At all times, there shall be a minimum of five wide-awake officers on duty.
    7. Sufficient administrative, clerical, recreational, medical, dental, Behavioral Health, building maintenance, transportation, control room, facility security, and other support staff shall be provided to ensure that staff comprising the minimum staffing pattern will not be diverted from the supervision of youth as their primary duty.
    8. During the hours youth are awake, there shall be one wide-awake officer on duty for each ten (10) youth in detention, to provide supervision of youth. 
    9. During the hours that youth are confined to their room for the purpose of sleeping, there shall be one wide-awake officer on duty for each thirty (30) youth in detention.
    10. Shall have at least one (1) female and one (1) male officer on duty at all times.
    11. Shall be at least one (1) wide awake person on duty at all times  who is trained in fire and life safety.
    12. Shall have a sufficient number of supervisory level staff to ensure adequate supervision of all staff members. 
  2. Minimum Staffing Pattern
    1. The Facility(Juvenile Hall (Detention) and The Coastal Valley Academy) minimum shift staffing patterns are as follows: Please note, modifications to the 1st shift staffing pattern may be made by a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer’s approval.
      • 2200-00-0600 1 Shift Leader; 4 JSOs ()
      • 0600-2200: 1 SDPO; 1 Shift Leader; 5 JSOs
    2. Staffing levels may change based upon but not limited to such factors as:
      • Vacations and sick calls
      • Training
      • Transportation
      • Population
      • Special assignments
      • Medical/Hospital escort
      • Building emergencies 
    3. Personnel with primary responsibility for other duties such as administration, supervision of personnel, academic or trade instruction, clerical, or maintenance shall not be classified as officers.