3.10 Emergency Procedures Pursuant to Section 1327

Chapter 3
Section 3.10
Subject 3.10 Emergency Procedures Pursuant to Section 1327
Effective Date 5/15/2023 12:00 AM
  1. The Deputy Chief of the Custody Division shall develop facility-specific policies and procedures for emergencies that shall include, but not be limited to:
    1. Escapes, disturbances and the taking of hostages;
    2. Civil disturbances;
    3. Fire and natural disasters;
    4. Active Shooter
    5. Terrorist Attack;
    6. Bomb Threats
    7. Periodic testing of emergency equipment;
    8. Storage, issue and use of chemical agents, related security devices, and weapons and ammunition, where applicable;
    9. Emergency evacuation of the facility;
    10. A program to provide all youth supervision staff with an annual review of emergency procedures
    11. Confidential policies and procedures that relate to the security of the facility may be kept in a separate manual.
  2. Definitions:
    1. Emergency – Any situation in which there is reasonable cause to believe that life or property is in imminent danger.
    2. Evacuation – The removal of all persons from the interior of the facility, the safety of persons takes precedence over security.
    3. Evacuation Routes – The identified route of travel for personnel within the facility to exit in a predetermined manner.
    4. Civil Disturbance – An action (demonstration or physical activity) located beyond the secure perimeter of the facility or outside the physical confines of the building perpetrated by “outsiders.”
    5. Riot – A coordinated action between three youth or more, designed and with the intent of: utilizing violence to either attain control of the facility, or; create a significant disruption in program; or, injure staff or destroy property.
    6. Disaster – A disaster includes any unusual occurrence that may threaten the safety or security of the facility and occupants.  A disaster can include, but may not be limited to:
      • Grass fire;
      • Accident from air, rail or land vehicles;
      • Chemical spills;
      • Radiation;
      • Explosion;.
      • Gas main leak;
      • Flood;
      • Toxic fumes;
      • Escapes from other custodial facilities; or
      • Earthquake
  3.  In any emergency it is imperative to remember:
    1. Do not panic.
    2. Think and act in a reasonable, deliberate and methodical way.
    3. Speak in a calm voice because confidence instills confidence.
    4.  Move quickly but do not allow anyone to run.
    5. It is better to err in favor of safety.
  4. Bomb Threat
    1. Any bomb threat received by Juvenile Hall by phone or in writing will be handled with due caution and seriousness.  This includes the finding of any suspicious objects, which might be believed to be a bomb.
    2. Any bomb threat received is to be immediately reported to the on-site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader who will notify the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division, who in turn shall notify the Chief Probation Officer.
    3. The Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader, in conjunction with the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division and the Chief Probation Officer, will assess the seriousness of the threat and make the decision to evacuate the building.
    4. Anyone receiving a bomb threat by phone will document the call using the bomb threat checklist.  All documenting information will be given to the Sheriff’s Department Bomb Squad.
    5. If the decision is made to evacuate, the on-site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader is responsible for the following:
      1. Notify all staff to evacuate the building with the youth they are responsible for, ensuring no youth are left in their rooms or restrooms.  Youth in visiting rooms or in the nurses’ station will be escorted to CVA and evacuated by the CVA Staff Person. 
      2. Contact the appropriate emergency response agencies (i.e. Sheriff’s Bomb Squad, Sierra Vista Hospital for potential injuries, and the Fire Department.)
      3. The on-duty Control JSO will open the electrically operated locks, using the master switch, and announce over the PA system that an evacuation is in effect, please move quietly and effectively to your evacuation site.
      4. Make sure all personnel and youth are accounted for at the designated evacuation site.
      5. Maintain communication with the emergency response agencies to find out when and if it is safe to return to the building.
        • NOTE:   All communications should, when possible, be telephonic because of the possibility that a cellular telephone or radio communications might detonate an explosive device.
      6. Staff and youth will remain at the evacuation site until directed to either evacuate to a new site or return inside the building by the Chief, the On-Site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer/Shift Leader, or the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division.
      7. All staff at the Juvenile Hall will participate in an evacuation drill on at least an annual basis.
  5. Earthquake
    • The greatest danger in an earthquake is from falling objects.  Have everyone remain where they are and move only to avoid being near glass (which can break) or furniture (which can tip over).  All people should sit or lay down, preferably in a doorway or under sturdy furniture.  Anyone near a stairway or railing should carefully crawl away to avoid falling or being “bounced” off an elevated area or having things fall on him or her from above.
  6. Civil Disturbance; Active Shooter, and Terrorist Attack
    • ​The first priority in a civil disturbance, Active Shooter or Terrorist Attack is to keep the occupants of the facility safe and the building secure.  The following procedure will apply:
      1.  Ensure all staff and residents are inside the building.
      2. Lock all outside doors and remain in the building.
      3. Call the Sheriff’s Department immediately.
      4. All records and files should be secured as much as possible.
      5. Promptly call:
        1. Chief Deputy of the Custody Division
        2. Chief Probation Officer
      6. Stay away from the windows.
      7. Keep residents together in a central location, preferably the center unit or west unit (code yellow evacuation).
      8. Call General Services/Maintenance if damage occurs to the facility.
  7. Riot
    • The first priority in a riot is to ensure the safety of nonparticipating residents.  The following procedure will apply:
    1. ​Promptly call:
      1. Chief Deputy of the Custody Division
      2. Chief Probation Officer.
    2. If necessary, call:
      1. Ambulance
      2. If fire (Cal Fire–543-4242); and General Services/Maintenance.
      3. The Chief Deputy of the Custody Division will make the determination whether or not law enforcement is needed.
    3. Staff will escort non-participants to an area removed from the riot area, if possible.  One staff will remain with non-participants (code yellow evacuation).
    4. Remaining staff will attempt, without incurring unreasonable risk, to protect injured or assaulted residents and contain and neutralize the riot.  If life is in danger, available weapons (flashlights, fire extinguishers) may be used for defense.
    5. First aid should be given as appropriate and possible.
    6. Participants removed from the scene will be restrained and placed in the holding rooms.
    7. At the conclusion of the riot, all staff will complete incident reports on the situation and use of force reports.
    8. The on-duty Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader, Chief Deputy of the Custody Division or Chief Probation Officer will debrief the group prior to their going off duty and may call for a Behavioral Health consultation to deal with stress/anxiety.
  8. Natural Disaster
    • In the event of a disaster, staff will use reasonable judgment and prepare a plan of action appropriate to the situation.  Other agencies may be called as necessary to protect lives and property.  In all cases, the on-call Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader shall promptly notify the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division or Chief Probation Officer.
  9. Duties of the Control JSO:
    • The Control Room Desk is the control point during any emergency.  All calls will be made by the Control JSO and areas of the building monitored as necessary.  The Control Room Desk will be staffed at all times during an emergency.  In the case of a “code blue evacuation,” the staff at the Control Room Desk will be the last to leave the building and will exit through the staff entrance and wait in the parking lot to coordinate with emergency response personnel (Sheriff/Fire).