3.25 Employee Performance Evaluations

Chapter 3
Section 3.25
Subject 3.25 Employee Performance Evaluations
Effective Date 11/28/2023 12:00 AM
  1. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers shall complete employee performance evaluations within the established timelines noted in the Probation Department Evaluation Report.
  2. Juvenile Services Officers shall complete a “self-evaluation” at NEOGOV.com within the established timelines set forth and confirmed with the individual officer through email reminders from NEOGOV.
  3.  Supervising Deputy Probation Officers shall document in the narrative section justifications for improvement needed, above satisfactory or outstanding ratings.
  4. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers shall set aside sufficient time to meet with employees, allow for employee feedback and to address disagreements or concerns regarding their performance evaluation, including meeting with the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division.
  5. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers shall demonstrate knowledge of critical job tasks of employees in the documentation of performance evaluations.
  6. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers shall adhere to the following performance evaluation procedure:
    1. Complete evaluation and submit in NEOGOV for the Chief Deputy’s review and approval.
    2. The Chief Deputy of the Custody Division submits evaluation in Neo Gov to Chief Probation Officer for signature.
    3. Supervising Deputy Probation Officer meets with the employee, reviews the evaluation and obtain the employee’s electronic signature.
    4. Supervising Deputy Probation Officer signs and submits the completed electronic evaluation in NeoGov.