3.9 Emergency Chain of Command

Chapter 3
Section 3.9
Subject 3.9 Emergency Chain of Command
Effective Date 5/15/2023 12:00 AM
  1. In the event of an emergency in the Juvenile Hall as described in Section 3.9 of this policy, the highest ranking officer in the facility at the time of the emergency shall be the Incident Commander with the following responsibilities:
    1. Conduct an initial evaluation of the emergency and ascertain pertinent information required to safely resolve the emergency.
    2. If required, contact the Sheriff’s Department and/or Fire or Emergency Medical Services and request assistance.
    3. Ensure that appropriate ranking personnel are notified.
    4.  Authorize facility entry and exit.

5. Assign a staff member to document all pertinent information in an Incident Log.

6. When reasonable, assign staff to tasks to ensure that operational mandates are met during the emergency.

B. The Incident Commander shall remain in control during the emergency until relieved by a ranking member of the Probation Department.

C. In the event ranking Probation Department personnel arrive at the facility during the emergency, they may, after conducting an initial evaluation of the situation, delegate the duties of Incident Commander to a subordinate officer and assume a support and consultation role.