Hi Moutain Road Closure
Author: Public Works
Date: 1/1/0001 12:00 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works announces that Hi Mountain Road will continue to be closed between the gates located 10 miles east of Lopez Drive and the Forestry Station in Pozo. The continued closure of the road is due to unsafe road conditions and damages due to last winter’s storms.
Public Works and the Forest Service are working closely to develop a Cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement which would give the Forest Service, or a third party, authority to conduct road maintenance for the section of road that traverses the Forest boundary. If we are successful in entering the Cooperative Agreement and identify funding for the work and maintenance gets done on some or all portions of the road within the Forest boundary, then the goal would be to restore motorized access to the forest lands and facilities for the public. Working out the details and approving this agreement will take some time. It is anticipated that we could have this agreement in place in the fall of 2017.
Please contact Tim Cate of Public Works at (805) 781-5293 with any questions or comments.