Road Construction for Octagon Barn Improvements and Bob Jones Extension
Author: Public Works
Date: 1/1/2018 12:00 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo’s Public Works and Parks Departments are working with the Land Conservancy to develop the Octagon Barn site on South Higuera and provide staging for future Bob Jones trail extension.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on September 1, 2017 for the project:
Not only is construction underway for a complete driveway, utilities, and parking area at the Octagon Barn, there is also construction underway to install a left turn lane on South Higuera Street turning into the Octagon Barn site. This phase of work is projected to be complete by January 2018.
Overview of Octagon Barn Work
The Octagon Barn and work site is located on South Higuera Street, south of Los Osos Valley Road and the San Luis Obispo city limits. The project includes widening the roadway to provide a southbound left-turn lane, drainage improvements, and site improvements to provide parking for the Octagon Barn center. This project will improve the safety of the road for all users, and provide a staging area for the future extension of the Bob Jones City-to-Sea Trail Project.
Please be advised, due to the construction, expect intermittent delays for lane closures with one-way flagging for the next couple months as crews work to widen the road shoulders and install utilities. During the work hours of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm there may be delays upwards of 10 minutes so alternative routes are recommended. Starting in late November, a full closure of South Higuera Street is planned for up to one month. A route through the area will be maintained for bicycles and pedestrians, but no vehicle traffic will be allowed. The closure will allow workers to safely complete the critical, final tasks of the road reconstruction. Motorists are advised to adjust their travel plans accordingly and consider alternative routes, if necessary.