Road Resurfacing Work Planned in Avila Beach
Author: Public Works
Date: 1/1/0001 12:00 AM
The Public Works Department will be resurfacing most of the roads in the downtown area of Avila Beach October 2-4, 2017.
The work will include placing an asphalt slurry seal on approximately thirty (30) blocks of roads in the downtown part of Avila Beach. Avila Beach Drive and access to Port San Luis and Diablo Canyon will not be affected. This project is part of the County’s annual pavement management program and will extend the life of the pavement.
View the Vicinity Map for the limits of work to be completed.
For the safety of the public and the workers, traffic will be subject to parking restrictions, detours, lane closures, or reduced to one-way controls with flaggers. During the application of the slurry seal, vehicle access will be limited for up to four hours. The major work is expected to be completed within one day on each street.
Electronic message boards have been placed in the community to alert residents, businesses and visitors of the upcoming work. Notices and “no parking” signs will be posted at least 72 hours in advance of the work on each individual street.
The work is required to maintain the pavement integrity to avoid costly repairs in the future, and to provide safe roads. The project is funded by the County of San Luis Obispo Road Maintenance fund. Sierra Nevada Construction of Sparks, NV has been awarded the contract for $526,007 to perform the work.