227 at Los Ranchos Rd Intersection

State Route 227 At Los Ranchos Road Intersection Operational Improvements Project Townhall Meeting – March 20, 2019

Author: Public Works
Date: 3/11/2019 5:04 PM

The public is invited to attend a townhall meeting for the proposed Project on March 20, 2019 at Los Ranchos Elementary School in San Luis Obispo.

An open house will begin at 6:00 p.m. and followed by a presentation at 6:30 p.m. The Department of Public Works is seeking to inform the public about the proposed roundabout at the intersection of State Route 227 and Los Ranchos Road.

Residents and commuters driving on State Route 227 between Tank Farm Road and Price Canyon Road have expressed growing concerns about the increasing traffic congestion during peak travel times. An operations study of the corridor developed by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) supports these concerns. The study is available for review on SLOCOG’s website at:

https://www.slocog.org/programs/highways-streets-roads/state-route-227 .

The County of San Luis Obispo (County), in cooperation with Caltrans and SLOCOG, is developing a Project to construct a roundabout at the intersection of State Route 227 and Los Ranchos Road to relieve congestion, improve safety, minimize property and environmental impacts, and accommodate all modes of travel.

Funding has been secured for the design and environmental phase of the Project and the County anticipates hiring a design team this spring to begin the preliminary design and detailed traffic analysis necessary to move forward with the Project.