Photo by Public Health Department. Vince Pierucci with PulsePoint app, June 2017.

Why EMS Director Vince Pierucci Wants You to Download PulsePoint

Author: Public Health Department
Date: 1/1/0001 12:00 AM

"Everyone should have the PulsePoint app. It's an opportunity to save a life."

County of San Luis Obispo Emergency Medical Services Director Vince Pierucci recently had the opportunity to experience first-hand a tool his department has worked to promote: PulsePoint. It's an app that alerts users to a nearby emergency so they can perform CPR until help arrives. Research shows that performing CPR right away can increase a person's chance of surviving cardiac arrest.

Vince explained:

"I was alerted via the PulsePoint app of a reported cardiac arrest in the building next door to my office. I notified Andy (EMS staff member) of the medical aid—before the call was even being dispatched! Andy and I grabbed our  AED and responded to the incident. Another nurse from Behavioral Health who has the app also responded, arriving just after Andy and I. So within two minutes of the alert, two paramedics and a nurse were with the patient with two AEDs. While I have been a strong advocate of PulsePoint for several years, this was the first time I was alerted to a reported cardiac arrest. I'm very happy to report a very successful use of the app."

You don't need to be a paramedic or nurse to potentially save a life with this app – it's designed to support all of us in responding to an emergency until a medical team reaches the scene. It even provides simple instructions and plays a beat to help you perform hands-only CPR if you choose. Download it from the app store for iPhone or Android.

As Vince says: it's an opportunity to save a life.

The patient in this case survived and appeared to be doing well.

Kudos to Vince and all the residents of our county who are ready to act with PulsePoint.