San Luis Obispo Library Makes Sunday Hours Permanent
Author: Becky Juretic for Library Administration
Date: 7/1/2019 9:00 AM
The San Luis Obispo Library will be open on Sundays permanently. The library will be open to the public 12:00 - 4:00 PM, and all regular services will be available except for those that require special appointments.
The San Luis Obispo Library will now be open permanently on Sunday afternoons, 12:00 to 4:00pm. All regular services will be available to the public except for those that require special appointments, such as passport acceptance.
Sunday hours began as a pilot program in April in response to feedback collected as part of a County-wide Community Survey.
“We are thrilled to be able to offer our busy patrons an extra day of operation in our County,” said Assistant Library Director, Chase McMunn. “During our pilot program we had a tremendous response from the community, and we heard from a lot of families that finally had an opportunity to visit the library. We hope to see use on Sunday continue to grow as more people learn it is available to them.”
The San Luis Obispo Library is located at 995 Palm Street. For more information on library programs and services, visit www.slolibrary.org or follow County of San Luis Obispo Public Libraries on social media.