2017-18 Surface Treatment Construction on Various Roads to Begin in Nipomo
Author: Public Works
Date: 7/9/2018 3:20 PM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will begin resurfacing streets in the North Nipomo Mesa area. Work will begin July 16, 2018 and continue through August 3, 2018.
The locations of surface treatment include:
- Residential streets near Mesa Middle School
- Stanton Road/Camino Perillo
- Chamisal Lane/Sevada Lane neighborhood
- Residential streets in the Callender Road neighborhood
- Pomeroy Road north of Willow Road
For the safety of the public and the workers, traffic will be subject to detours, lane closures, or reduced to one-way controls with flaggers. During the application of the slurry seal, vehicle access will be limited for up to four hours. The major work is expected to be completed within one day on each street. Notices will be posted on each street at least 72 hours in advance of the work. Please see map for locations.
The work is required to maintain the pavement integrity to avoid costly repairs in the future and to provide safer roads. The project is funded by contributions of the San Luis Obispo County General Fund to the Road Pavement Management Program.
For more information, please feel free to contact Pete Newel at (805) 440-6791.