Debris Removal on Chimney Rock Road at Milepost 12.5, Adelaida Area
Author: Public Works
Date: 7/3/2018 4:29 PM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will begin construction to remove debris on Chimney Rock Road at Milepost 12.5. Work is scheduled to begin on Friday July 6, 2018. The work is required to clear the hillside slide event that occurred because of heavy rains in the winter of 2017.
For the safety of the public and workers, traffic will be reduced to one-way controls with approximate 10-minute delays. The work is expected to be performed during regular working hours and be completed on August 3, 2018. Please refer to the map for the specific location.
S. Chaves Construction, Inc. of San Luis Obispo has been awarded the contract for $85,398.25 to perform the work. The work is funded through FEMA under the 2017 Winter Storm Disaster Designation.
For more information, please feel free to contact Max Keller at (805) 801-4732