Construction of Traffic Circle on South Tejas Place and Ida Place, Nipomo
Author: Public Works
Date: 4/11/2018 3:38 PM
The Department of Public Works will install a traffic circle at the intersection of South Tejas Place and Ida Place, Nipomo. This construction is in an effort to address speeding concerns.
Construction will begin this week and is expected to be completed by April 20, 2018. Drivers should prepare for delays or avoid the area during construction. Traffic circles, like the sample photo shown above article have been known to slow down traffic in residential areas.
South Tejas Place is a residential street in Nipomo that is often used as a secondary route to avoid the Tefft Street and Orchard Road intersection. Speed studies were conducted and found that 66% of the traffic using South Tejas Place were driving faster than the posted 25 miles per hour.
The County will monitor the effectiveness of the traffic circle. Feedback on how it is operating will be welcomed. For location map click here.
For more information please feel free to contact Michael Britton, Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations Supervisor at (805) 788-2318.