2018 Shandon High School Drainage Improvements Project
Author: Public Works
Date: 8/1/2018 4:28 PM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will begin construction of drainage improvements to the southwest corner of First Street and East Centre Street at the Shandon High School.
Work will start on August 6, 2018 and continue through August 17, 2018. The work includes installing a concrete drainage box, excavating, backfilling, new asphalt concrete paving, and walkway improvements to the high school. The limits of work will be confined to the southwest corner of the intersection. There will be traffic control at the site resulting in slight delays. Work is anticipated to be complete before the start of school.
The work is required to maintain the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians during school hours, and to provide for a smooth safe road with stormwater conveyance. The project is funded by the County of San Luis Obispo Road Maintenance funds.
Raminha Construction, Inc. of Atascadero, CA has been awarded the contract for $17,892.00 to perform the work.
For more information please feel free to contact Frank Cunningham at (805) 781-4309 or
Cindy Cecil at (805) 781-4262.