Construction to Impact Templeton Elementary/Middle School Traffic
Author: Public Works
Date: 9/20/2018 1:43 PM
Temporary closure of 8th Street west of Main Street in Templeton.
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works has initiated construction to rehabilitate Main Street in Templeton from Vineyard Drive to the Highway 101 overpass and Theatre Drive. The work will include removing and replacing failed pavement, placing a new pavement, and reconstructing various roadside facilities including: curb ramps, traffic bulb-outs, and drainage facilities.
Access for pick-up and drop-off at Templeton Elementary/Middle Schools will be limited. As part of the project, 8th Street will be closed west of Main Street from October 1, 2018 through October 26, 2018. The closure is necessary to reconstruct the intersection for improved pedestrian safety and storm water drainage. No traffic will be allowed access from 8th Street during the closure; Main Street will remain open in both directions.
This closure has been coordinated with the Templeton School District and Templeton Elementary School to accommodate school traffic. Traffic will be routed to and from 8th Street from Crocker Street as shown on the Detour Plan. Flaggers will be provided to direct traffic during school drop-off and pick-up times. Motorists, including Templeton Elementary School parents, are advised to allow extra time for delays or plan for alternative routes.
Work on the Main Street project will continue through December 2018. Parking and traffic will be subject to intermittent restrictions and detours in order to allow safe access for the public and the workers. Delays are expected to be up to 10 minutes during major operations. Motorists are advised to adjust their travel plans in consideration of the delays and consider alternative routes. Access to all businesses will be maintained throughout the project.
The project is funded by San Luis Obispo County Road Maintenance funds and the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017; Senate Bill 1 gas tax revenue.
Papich Construction of Arroyo Grande, CA has been awarded the contract for $1,596,000 to perform the work.